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Freight Handlers

The freight handlers aren’t the only people negligent to the severity of the ivory trade and the effect it brings towards elephants. It also is the rest of mankind. Society as a whole  doesn’t consider this to be of concern and at times is completely ignorant to what is occurring. People need to be mindful of universal issues and how in this case it can relate to them. Elephants exhibit qualities that are unearthly similar to humans in which many people can sympathize with (Meredith 1). Martin Meredith, author of Elephant Destiny, mentions a story about how Joyce Poole “ watched Tonie’s vigil over her dead newborn” and how she “got [her] first very strong feeling that elephants grieve. [Poole] will never forget the expression of her face, her eyes, her mouth, the way she carried her ears, her head and her body. Every part of her spelled grief”(Meredith 148). When a parent loses a child before their time is up, it evokes an unbearable emotion. Tonie is just a prime example of how elephants can share the same feelings as people. Society is concerned with their own kind, as exhibited in the stories chosen on the daily news. It is true that “humankind has long been fascinated by African elephants” but  that allure needs to drive people to help (Meredith 1).


Nazeer, N.A. Indian Elephant. Digital image. Wikimedia Commons. 6 Apr. 2013. Web. 10 Mar. 2016. <>.

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